Embark on a vibrant adventure with “Little Grapplers,” a dynamic class for 4–7-year-olds blending the foundational movements of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) with energetic exercises.
Our young warriors explore:
Physical Development: Enhancing strength, flexibility, and coordination.
Confidence: Mastering new movements and building self-assurance.
Teamwork & Focus: Nurturing social skills and cognitive growth.
Fun Learning: Enjoying playful, rewarding sessions.
Join us, and watch your child unveil their inner strength, confidence, and expressive self, laying the foundation for a healthy, active future!
Class Days & Times
Tuesday and Thursday
• 4-5 year-olds from 4pm – 4:45pm
• 6-7 year-olds from 5pm – 5:45pm
Class Fee’s: €70 per month